
Educational Resources for Foster Parents

Practical advice for supporting your kids academically.

As an educator and a former foster parent (we adopted our girls last year), I wanted to create educational resources for foster and adoptive parents attempting to support their children academically. The closing of schools in our region for the near future, made me realize I needed to jump start this effort and start sharing resources on the internet – for parents like me that might be trying to figure out how to support their kids during this remote learning time. I am creating a series of blog posts trying to provide the most essential information first. Ultimately, I’d like this to be a place that we can engage in some collaborative problem solving, where anyone can raise an educational issue and we can have a space to think together about how to solve it. I will try to create a new posts every few weeks as I too try to manage my full-time (newly virtual job) and my parenting responsibilities. Below are links to my blog posts thus far (newest at the bottom).